‘pregorexia’: Extreme Dieting While Pregnant

The Fat on Dieting in the New Year

Baumann, who devotes most of her time to the issue of eating disorders, is teaming up with the Illinois-based Timberline Knolls Treatment Center next year to launch what she says will be the first Web-based support group for pregnant garcinia cambogia women and moms with eating disorders. There are so many moms pregnant women, theyre so ashamed, they dont want to tell anyone that they are doing what they are doing, said Baumann. But, she says, women should know that they are not alone and that they can be helped. You can recover from your eating disorder, and you can recover from being a mom or a pregnant woman with an eating disorder, and that shame, said Baumann.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://wtkr.com/2013/11/20/pregorexia-extreme-dieting-while-pregnant/

Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercising with Garcinia Cambogia Pure Weight Loss Pills Now Available Online with 50% Discount Offer

That bodes well for the diet industry but not for the rest of us. So a word to the wise — resist the urge to “diet.” Read the research… diets don’t work; they make matters worse. Modifying how you eat and maintaining the changes is fine and makes sense. That’s not dieting.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jane-shure/dieting_b_1194532.html

Dieting? It’s about the portion size

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For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.iol.co.za/lifestyle/dieting-it-s-about-the-portion-size-1.1608725

Why is Garcinia Cambogia the Hottest Diet Today? Exclusive Free Trial Offer for Readers! This report was created by Consumers’s Health to expose the truth behind a very promising diet. Note: Garcinia Cambogia Extract has sold out in moststores. But Today It’s Still Available Online! Dr.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.sport-news.de/socialnews/show/169434/lose-weight-without-dieting-or-exercising-with-garcinia-cambogia-pure-weight-loss-pills-now-available-online-with-50%25-discount-offer/


Study Ties Weight-loss Surgery To Higher Risk Of Preemie Birth

12 in the journal BMJ. Although the study found an association between women having weight-loss surgery and higher risk of pregnancy with prematurity or lower birth weight, it did not establish a cause-and-effect relationship. “The mechanism behind how [weight-loss] surgery influences fetal growth we don’t yet know, but we do know that people who have bariatric surgery are at increased risk of micronutrient deficiencies,” Dr. Olof Stephansson, an obstetrician and associate professor at the clinical epidemiology unit at Karolinska, said in an institute news release.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.newsday.com/news/health/study-ties-weight-loss-surgery-to-higher-risk-of-preemie-birth-1.6428263

You Won’t Lose Any Weight Unless You Makeover Your Mind First

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“It would have been so much harder without each other’s support.” And unconditional love for yourself is just as important. We can’t put it any better than Liz Merriweather; after she went from 252 pounds to 162 pounds, she realized this : Losing weight was not the primary obstacle I had to overcome. Losing weight was the outcome. The obstacle I overcame was self-doubt.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/11/weight-loss-stories_n_4228649.html

Weight-loss Surgery Offers Short and Long-Term Benefits for Obese People with Type 2 Diabetes

“In fact, many patients undergo remission of their diabetes in which case they no longer require medication to control their blood sugars,” Dr. Reavis added. Morbidly obese patients with type 2 diabetes should ask their prescribing physician to consider referral for bariatric surgery to address their weight and diabetes issues. Patients considering weight-loss surgery are encouraged to read Laparoscopic Surgery for Severe (Morbid) Obesity Patient Information from SAGES at http://www.sages.org/publications/patient-information/ . About SAGES SAGES, The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, was founded over 30 years ago with the mission improving quality patient care through garcinia cambogia dr oz education, research, innovation and leadership, principally in gastrointestinal and endoscopic surgery. SAGES is a leading surgical society, representing a worldwide community of over 6,000 surgeons that can bring minimal access surgery, endoscopy and emerging techniques to patients worldwide.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwfitness/article/Weight-loss-Surgery-Offers-Short-and-Long-Term-Benefits-for-Obese-People-with-Type-2-Diabetes-20131114
